Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Ellen's Roles

I've been looking at various articles from newspapers and magazines, so that I can see different views and opinions upon Ellen's character.
From the characters' she portrays on-screen, to her personal character away from the films, there really isn't much difference in how she presents herself. Ellen Page has very strong opinions on the roles she plays, and the reasons as to why she chooses to play them. Many of the characters (especially in my 3 main focus films) are 'honest, whole young women', and are roles that Page herself finds interesting and challenging to portray.

Looking at her filmography, it's clear to see that she goes for particular roles, that uphold specific characteristics. A quote from NPR (radio station) explains: "Page says she picks only parts she considers to be genuine — movies where the girls she plays do not feel like stereotypes. Her list of credits backs up the claim: She has starred in a number of dark, often violent roles in which she confronts issues of power and control".

Reading these interviews, I've come to see that Page stands out from every other actress, maybe being born and bred in Canada has allowed her to be prominent from stereotypical American actresses. She's independent, and carries out her roles in a unique way that can only be identified as her work. Page herself explains; "I wasn't 11 and being forced into tap lessons and singing lessons, and being sent to auditions by my overly tanned mother in California, they clearly haven't had much control," Page says. "They seem like individuals that have been pushed in situations that have been hyper-sexualized from a really young age, and there is no compassion — no one saying 'Why?' Everyone's just judging." I think standing out from the typical stereotypical female actresses is one of Ellen Pages' goals, and looking from the films shes starred in, so far shes doing pretty damn well :)
Patrick Wilson, who played alongside her in Hard Candy, said she attacked her role like Joan of Arc, and he liked "the fact that by going with her, they weren't going with some glamour girl who's in magazines and trying to act like she's 25,"
These links came in handy:

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